- Long Heavy Strokes - Here's Bradley
demonstrating long heavy strokes. The heavy stick is one of our preferred
weapons. Students learn how to move and make the weapon lighter.
- Sombrada - A pair of students demonstrate
the long heavy strokes against each other in Sombrada, a drill in which
one person goes and then the other. Because the heavy weapon is such a forceful
weapon it takes a great deal of skill to manipulate it and keep from injuring
your partner. It is certainly a weapon that must be respected at all times.
- Long Open Hand - Tuhan demonstrates
these long strokes open hand with additional footwork.
- Long Open Hand attack - As Tuhan
explains, while attacking Gura Rosie, the long open hand movements are difficult
for an opponent to predict.
- Jay & Allen - Jay and Allen try
the long open hand movements against each other, while Tuhan takes a moment
to point out the finer points.
- Jay & Allen 2 - I think they've
got the hang of it now
- PAWMA Bay Area Demo - Here Gura Michelle, Marirose and Rona with storyline
voiceover by Barbara perform the Blind Princess story at the Pacific Association
of Women Martial Artist's Bay Area Demonstration in April 2001. Gura Michelle
plays the accompanying kulintang music. The song is called Sinayed, a Maguindanao
song played during healing rituals. Outside of Kali, Gura Michelle takes
kulintang lessons from Master Danangon Kalanduyan.
- Pusod Class - Marirose and Gura Michelle just doing a bit of basic numerado with some slow motion effects.